July 22, 2012

XII :Chap # 11


1.      The energy that flows from a high temperature object to a low temperature object is called __________.
(Heat, Sound Electricity, Solar Energy)
2.      Hotness or coldness of an object is expressed in tems of a quantity called __________.
(Heat, Temperature, Kelvin, None of these)
3.      The SI unit of heat is __________.
(Calorie, Joule, Electron Volt, None of these)
4.      The energy expended when a force of one Newton moves an object one metre in the direction in which the force is applied is called __________.
(Calorie, Joule, kwh, Electron Volt)
5.      1J=__________.
(1Nm, 1kgms2, 1kgm-2,1kgm2s-1)
6.      1J = __________.
(kgms, 1 kgms2, 1kgm2s-2, 1kgm2s-1)
7.      The average kinetic energy of the molecules of the object is called its __________.
(Heat, Temperature, Hotness, Coldness)
8.      __________ is a device used to measure the degree of hotness or coldness of the object.
(Thermometer, Barometer, Hypsometer, None of these)
9.      Generally thermometers make use of the fact that most of the liquids __________ on heating.
(Compress, Expand, Evaporate, Sublimize)
10.  On Celsius scale boiling point of water is taken as __________.
(0°C, 100°C, 180°C, None of these)
11.  On Celsius scale freezing point of water is taken as __________.
(0°C, 100°C, 180°, None of these)
12.  1°C = __________.
{5/9 (°F – 32), 5/9 (°F + 32), 5/9 (°F – 273), 5/9 (°F + 273)}
13.  1°F = __________.
{5/9 (°C – 32), 5/9 (°F + 32), 9/5 (°C + 32), None of these}
14.  K = __________.
(273 + °C, 273 - °C, 273 + °F, 273 - °F)
15.  1 cal = __________.
(11.184J, 2.184J, 3.184J, 4.184J)
16.  __________ proposed that matter and energy are equivalent.
(Newton, Einstein, Maxwell, All the these)
17.  The equation representing the interconversion of matter and energy is written as __________.
(E = mc, E = mc2, E = mc3, All of these)
18.  Conversion of one gram of matter to energy yields __________ joules of energy.
(9 x 1013J, 9 x 1012J, 9 x 1011J, 9 x 1010J)
19.  The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 2.0 x 108kg of water from 0°C to 100°C is equal to __________.
(9 x 1013J, 9 x 1012J, 9 x 1011J, 9 x 1010J)
20.  During the combustion of 3 x 106 kg of coal __________ of matter is converted into energy.
(1g, 1kg, 1mg, None of these)
21.  The temperature at which the gases if they remain in gaseous state exert zero pressure and have zero volume is called __________.
(1°C, 1°F, 1K, Absolute Zero)
22.  The sum total of all the energy of all the molecules of atoms in an object is known as __________.
(Temperature, Entropy, Internal Energy, None of these)
23.  Once the heat is transferred to an object, it is converted into the __________.
(Entropy of the object, Internal energy of the object, Temperature of the object, None of these)
24.  “Temperature remaining constant the volume of given mass of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure applied on it.” It is called __________.
(General Gas Law, Boyle’s Law, Charle’s Law, None of these)
25.  “At constant pressure the volume of a gas is proportional to the absolute temperature.” It is called __________.
((General Gas Law, Boyle’s Law, Charle’s Law, None of these)

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